Highest September Border Numbers in Department of Homeland Security History with 227,547 Migrant Encounters

Phoenix, AZ — On Friday, October 21, 2022, the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) finally released FY'22 border numbers in a late-night data drop. The data shows the highest September border numbers in the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) history at 227,547 migrant encounters. FY'22 ended with 2,378,944 migrant encounters for the year, also the highest ever on record. These numbers don't include the nearly 600,000 estimated "gotaway" migrants.

The lack of a controlled border is a failure for our country's citizens. Border security is not a partisan issue; it is a national security issue. As a country, we must vet the people and products coming into our nation. 

With the lack of a secure border, there is also a humanitarian crisis. Cartels charge these migrants thousands of dollars to get them across the border. Many times, these migrants have to work off their debts, making them beholden to these bad actors. That is, if they are lucky enough to complete the journey. It is estimated that at least two migrants die per day trying to make the trip. This has to stop.

"Effective policies must be implemented to take back control of our border. The humanitarian crisis is only getting worse. The Biden Administration needs to stop turning a blind eye to the border. We need good border policies now more than ever," said Jobe Dickinson, President of BSA. 



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