New BSA TV Ad: Biden Menthol Ban Empowers Cartels

PHOENIX, AZ - The Border Security Alliance launched a new television ad this week exposing the dangerous impacts of President Biden’s proposed menthol cigarette ban. The ad entitled “Irresponsible” features retired border patrol and intelligence agents who know firsthand how a menthol ban will empower drug cartels along the border. The ad aired this week during the GOP Presidential Debate on Fox Business as well as on MSNBC prior to President Biden’s trip to Arizona. 

“President Biden’s failed and weak border policies have made the cartels more powerful, smuggling dangerous drugs and illicit products into the U.S. at an alarming rate,” said Jobe Dickinson, President of the Border Security Alliance. “Now, the president wants to increase profits for the cartels by banning all menthol cigarettes. At a time when we should be cutting off revenue sources for the cartels, another bad policy decision by this Administration will only make them richer and fuel both the humanitarian and fentanyl crisis on our border.”

Our border is at a crisis point.

We’re battling ruthless cartels on a

daily basis, and I’ve seen firsthand how

they operate.


Now, the Biden-Harris Administration is

considering a ban on menthol

cigarettes. That’s irresponsible.


The President’s menthol ban will fuel

an illicit market, lining the pockets of

the Mexican cartels. This is a mistake

we can’t afford. 

Stronger cartels make for a weaker

America. We cannot let misguided

policies empower the cartels and

further destabilize the border.


Oppose the Biden-Harris menthol ban.


Biden’s Border Crisis Breaks Records


Border Security Alliance Statement Regarding AG Mayes Requesting FDA Enforce Existing E-Cigarette Laws